Sunday, January 19, 2014

Polo Park Memories

This weekend has been crazy hectic with work. And i'm taking the time to write a quick blog before I head back in for another shift. I took a bus trip down to Wal-Mart the other day. And while this seems like a pretty ordinary thing for someone to do, it can be a rather nostalgic journey for me. The Wal-Mart I go to is rather far from my apartment in downtown Winnipeg. It's located in my old neighbohood St James. And to get there I need to hop on a couple busses and walk a few blocks. Anyways, I get off at Polo Park shopping centre and walk through the parkade and then down a few blocks to Wal-Mart. It's always a nostalgic feeling because I just don't find myself in St James at all anymore. I become increasingly disconnected with that part of town. And so the odd time I do find myself in the area it's always a walk through memory lane.

So that got me thinking about the past, naturally. And especially passing through that parkade. The place where I last hugged and kissed an ex lover. The place where I got high for the first time. And a whole slew of other memories that seem so far away now. It got me thinking about the past and how I just don't know what to do with it sometimes. The past can be a tricky thing to handle. We are to learn from our past. We are told to take our past and make positive changes in the future as a result. But we are also told to shed our past. To forget old hangups and move on. But we can never shut down our minds. The past stays with us as a great tool and a weight on our shoulders. I find my perspective on the past depends a lot on the day i'm having. If i'm having a good day I tend to remember all the good times. And on a bad day I remember all the bad times.

Eitherway, nostalgia is a great writing tool. Although it is a little unsettling to feel like a stranger in my old neighborhood. I suppose this is just life playing itself out. Every once in awhile I tend to stop like whoa time has passed. And it shows itself in something and i'm just like "yeah, time has passed". I know this all seems like a basic concept but don't you guys ever feel like time moves quicker than you are? And every once in awhile you get this unsettling feeling that things aren't the same and will never be the same..and there's nothing you can do about that.

Just ride with it I suppose.


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