Friday, January 31, 2014

From The Vault Vol 4

I call this one a mess on the page.
Historians will one day take my words and re organize them into a prophecy.
But for now my promises are just heresay and rhetoric.
Never thought I'd see you leave.
Even more suprised to see you come back.
Feet dragging, you got plenty stories.
And I got songs to.
Written here in my notebook.
Unveiled when the moment is just right.
When I'll reach the world with a hooo yeah.
And the pounding of the drums reaches it's peak.
Being alive has never been this fun before..

Good to see we're talking again.
But I feel the trials, tribulations and pain in your voice.
Girl you just gotta trust me.
Just gotta trust me it'll be different this time.
Cause I love the way your hair falls in cascades.
I'll spend time in that waterfall.
You ask me "How do I look?
And I must admit i'm a little intimidated.
You look dangerous.
A dazzling heartbreaker with fuckable thighs.
Fuckable eyes that'll lead a man to his demise.
But I hold my tongue cause i figure you don't want to be referred to as a graveyard dweller.
You'd completely miss my point.
The dress looks great but when i'm laying alone my mind wanders to other sights.
Like you in my t-shirt wearing nothing but panties.
When we go out there's space between us.
You don't come between the homies.
Just sliding your hand up my leg and sharing seductive glances.
Seductive glances leading to dirty dances.
I'll spend money on the right one amongst cheap romances.
But the best gift would be you letting me in.
And you know what i mean by that.
Let me in.
Cause I don't give a shit about much right now.
And you make this routine bearable.
Got me feeling like I got a future.



Best of Gramatik (Chillout Funkstep)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Barrington Levy- The Early Years


Responsibility..what a trip.

I mean there are those obvious moments in life when you are fully responsible for something. Such as getting your hand stuck in the cookie jar. Yes, you are wholly responsible for trying to thieve those cookies and should ACCEPT that responsibility.

Other times in life it can be not so clear. And we are taught to own up to our mistakes. And often it is a person's fault that they do not accept enough personal responsibility in life. This can lead to a multitude of revolving problems regarding relationships, money, and just life in general.

However, what about those times where accepting full responsibility is unecessary and just hard on yourself? I mean life is tough, and we can't control all factors that may occur. And I think we are a little too quick to point the blame at ourselves sometimes. That can be a heavy burden!

Don't carry the burden of the world on your shoulders my friends. There is a fine line between realizing your own mistakes and accepting all the blame all the time.

Carry on.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014

Mental Mind Wash

Tears come in different forms. The anatomy of the tears tend to fit the situation. Some tears come hard and fast as we furiously wipe them away. These tears are filled with explosive emotions. They can be happy or sad tears. But they come quick. Other tears are thick and heavy with the weight of the world. They build up in the eyes and drop down across our face. We tend not to wipe these tears away so quickly. Those tears are free to dry on the face and collect around the corner of our mouths. I find myself experiencing heavy tears more often than the quick ones. I’ve also found that I do much less crying as I age. Am I stronger? Or have I numbed myself to certain situations? Silly questions I’m asking myself. I’m happier, and that is why the tears are less frequent. But the heavy tears. They come from somewhere. They hold a weight that are the issues I push to the back of my mind. I came out of my teenage years alive, but not unscathed. I came to accept certain things in life. And as I enter my mid-twenties I know that dwelling on my problematic childhood will get me nowhere. But the tears do come, and I know they are coming. The day will feel strange. I’ll feel very connected with others. I’ll resist the urge to hug strangers. And then I’ll make it home and allow the tears to run down my face. And I’ll think about my past. But no real answers come to me. I just let the emotion run its course and attempt to write about it. It’s my brains way of washing itself out I guess. Kind of a mental mind-wash. Yes, I just said that.

The best advice I can give anyone experiencing pain is to mold that pain into something positive. When life gives you lemons..that kind of thing. But sometimes certain things just can't be fucking molded! They are rock hard fossils that won't be altered and could survive an apocalypse! So, what to do with these memories...

I suppose i'll have to grudgingly accept them as my companions. They are me after all...they compose me. 


Twirling Records

A brush of the lips and his world becomes alive
Blazing a hot trail of desire across the snow covered sidewalk
To the moon and back, a bounce in his step
A snap of the fingers and a quick twirl under the streetlight
The lights of the night shining so bright tonight
And he swears he feels different
A new man tonight

She watches him leave from just behind the door
Clutching to a memory, she's wanting more
Some moments in life call for a record
So she shuffles through the years and picks an old favourite
One of those old tunes that brings it all back
She twirls with the records all across the room



Thursday, January 23, 2014

Wigger Please

Sums up my high school experience.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

More Bluntness Less Niceness

It's not often that i'm approached by a female who i'm simply not interested in. In our culture it is rare to have females chase men. Yes it does happen. Yes i'm a feminist ( shut up). But let's get real. Chances are the next girl I meet will require a certain amount of effort on my part. Let's go on a date or something? You know what I mean.

But every so often I do find myself in a position where i'm not interested in an advancing female or i've gone on a few dates with a female and have realized "this isn't going to work". And in all these occasions I've handled the situation fucking horribly. I'll simply clam up and not explain myself. Or i'll find myself sleeping with someone even though I shouldn't (woops). Besides thinking with my dick and not speaking my mind..I was obsessed with being nice about it. You know, that candy coated denial we all wish we could give out when things aren't going to happen.

It's not you..,but you're still special!

I've been on the receiving end of the "it's not going to work" and i've dealt it out. I've handled my own situations horribly. Others have dealt with it quite nicely in regards to letting me know. So here's my point. We should all stop trying to be so fucking nice and just be blunt. Rip the band-aid right off. I say this for a few reasons:

1) By being "nice" you're actually being a shitty person.
2) By being "nice" you're actually only looking out for your own ass
3) By being "nice" you're acting cowardly

I find life to be an interesting thing because it can teach you lessons. One of the biggest things we need to learn is how things feel. Remember that cold icy denial you received from that crush you now want to find and kill? Well, put yourselves into the other persons shoes for a moment.

This brings me to a HUGE pet peeve of mine. Whenever I hear females complaining about creepy guys or guys that just "won't leave them alone". And I'll always ask "well, have you told them to leave you alone?" And more than likely the answer will be "no". Some horses need to be led to the water and then have their faces shoved into it. Yes some of my fellow males have the brains of horses. Similar to a dog humping your leg you just have to kick them away and hope they learn for the next time.

I remember this girl on facebook was like "I don't get why people see what's the point?" And I was scratching my eyes out like THE POINT IS TO SEE IF THEY ARE COMPATIBLE

Cause it makes a lot of sense to jump into long term commitments before you actually know someone..right.

So if you've made it to this point. My advice is be blunt..not nice. And I encourage casual dating as a precursor to long term relationships


Monday, January 20, 2014

From The Vault Vol 3

I like to burn trees but never meant to take down the whole forest.
Just a peg city kid with the whole world at my fingertips.
But sometimes I never want to leave this place.
Does it have me in it's clutches?
Lately i've been wondering how in control I really am.
And I wait for that special moment.
When I'll see a girl and it'll be like alright.
Let's do this. Let's stand the test of time.
Pipe dreams cause I'm not following any rules.
My clothes are shabby and my attitude is getting old.
And the past is a complete laugh or cry situation.
Never in between. It's all out in the open now.
Gotta deal..
So how we doing this?

Am I gonna run until my feet become sore?
Stop into a small diner with the 70's era plastered on it's old walls.
If I pay a little extra can I puff a cig?
Dropping my ashes on polished home cooked meals.
That home cooked perfection.
Seductive glances come with wishful thinking.
So be careful boy. Think about your next move.
Cause she's a dangerous one they say.
In class today the teacher asked " what's your inspiration"
And I thought about a rhyme I wrote about a year and a half ago "Life is what gives me stimulation"
"Life is rhythm and rhythm is life, it's got nothing to do with political strife"
Funny, I still believe music can save the soul.
It held me up by the fucking shoulders and dragged me at one point.

People enjoy rules and control.
They HATE cops.
But they NEED control.
They HATE being told what to do.
But they NEED a government.
As per capitalism rules. Someones gotta bake the cake with a cherry on top.
It goes from a sweaty kitchen dripping with unfufilled dreams and hard work.
To a wealthy wedding with all the trimmings.
Polar opposites.
And what am I getting at?
The process.
The line. Follow the line back and forth.
If you can stomach it. Get a cow and gut it yourself.
Make an incision on the lower belly and reach in.
Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty.
That big mac had to come from something.




Sunday, January 19, 2014

Polo Park Memories

This weekend has been crazy hectic with work. And i'm taking the time to write a quick blog before I head back in for another shift. I took a bus trip down to Wal-Mart the other day. And while this seems like a pretty ordinary thing for someone to do, it can be a rather nostalgic journey for me. The Wal-Mart I go to is rather far from my apartment in downtown Winnipeg. It's located in my old neighbohood St James. And to get there I need to hop on a couple busses and walk a few blocks. Anyways, I get off at Polo Park shopping centre and walk through the parkade and then down a few blocks to Wal-Mart. It's always a nostalgic feeling because I just don't find myself in St James at all anymore. I become increasingly disconnected with that part of town. And so the odd time I do find myself in the area it's always a walk through memory lane.

So that got me thinking about the past, naturally. And especially passing through that parkade. The place where I last hugged and kissed an ex lover. The place where I got high for the first time. And a whole slew of other memories that seem so far away now. It got me thinking about the past and how I just don't know what to do with it sometimes. The past can be a tricky thing to handle. We are to learn from our past. We are told to take our past and make positive changes in the future as a result. But we are also told to shed our past. To forget old hangups and move on. But we can never shut down our minds. The past stays with us as a great tool and a weight on our shoulders. I find my perspective on the past depends a lot on the day i'm having. If i'm having a good day I tend to remember all the good times. And on a bad day I remember all the bad times.

Eitherway, nostalgia is a great writing tool. Although it is a little unsettling to feel like a stranger in my old neighborhood. I suppose this is just life playing itself out. Every once in awhile I tend to stop like whoa time has passed. And it shows itself in something and i'm just like "yeah, time has passed". I know this all seems like a basic concept but don't you guys ever feel like time moves quicker than you are? And every once in awhile you get this unsettling feeling that things aren't the same and will never be the same..and there's nothing you can do about that.

Just ride with it I suppose.


Ladies, Demand For Your Orgasm!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

From The Vault Vol 2

 They always tell the homeless to "get a job"
Like it that's easy.
There's a problem with our television sets.
Protraying problems in a 30 minute time slot.
With a warm resolution in a season ender.
In reality wounds take time to heal.
And the answer isn't always there no matter how hard we look.
I see the scramble.
The inevitable crumbling of a solid foundation.
And advice tends to fall on deaf ears.
Because the truth hurts.
But cmon now, you didn't expect it all to be that easy?
Total liberation's gotta come with a few scars.
A few cuts and scratches to show the kids
Reminiscing around a fire...we were all once youth.
Adulthood brought some kicking and struggling into its depth.
Others soared expectantly into an unknown void.
Eitherway it was nothing like we thought.

Hows your resume looking?
Up to date?
Are all your references relevant to who you are?
And how about that layout..
Are you a piece of eye candy?
Or just "one of the crowd"
Funny how this whole thing works isn't it?
I laugh more during the commercials.
Little jingles stuck in my head.
She cleared her face and now the world is her pasture for the picking.
He got a close shave and a beautiful broad to match.
And if this song gives you a headache we always got tylenol super strength.
We'll let you fly high without the stigma of track marks and chronic smoke.

"There was a problem during the interview process devon"
We don't like your long hair, battered skateboard and dirty shoes.
And those blue eyes...
"Frankly devon I'm personally attracted to you"
But here at our company we don't need dreamers.
We need a company of hard workers.
Thick headed number crunchers inpartial to overtime.
"We also would rather avoid relationships amongst our co-workers"
And with that she leaned over the table.
"And I don't think I could help myself devon"
Neither could I.
Off hours she liked to throw paint at a wall.
Roll and dance in her own creative destruction.
"Lets go somewhere magical"
Outside the buildings look like jagged teeth on a pitbull.
Ready to swallow us all up.



January Update

Well it's been awhile since I've posted an update on my life and how things are going. I'm in the middle of one of the more brutal winnipeg winters in memory. The temperatures have been insanely freezing. And we even made headlines all around the world as being colder than mars.

That being said, the cold really hasn't bothered me all that much. The only thing is it can suck being single at this time of year. I could use someone to watch all these movies and shows with. Blah blah blah. Not trying to be a whiney bitch though. Patience is a virtue when it comes to those kinds of things.

I'm sitting here with really not all that much to say. It's been cold. I'm looking forward to summer. Classes have begun as usual. I've already slept through a couple. I keep telling myself patience patience patience. Nothing seems to happen in the winter. So I tell myself that the incoming spring will bring some change and renew life in me. You know, the melting of the snow and the rising of the flowers. I suppose i'll try to change mentally and physically along with nature.

I grabbed a yoga mat while I was visiting my mother over the holidays. I set it up in my living room so now i've been doing stretches and pushups..crunches..that kind of thing. No real yoga yet. I suppose soon i'll drag the mat in front of the tv and download some beginner yoga off the internet. No way am I going to a yoga way..not yet at least. I need to at least be able to touch my toes from a sitting position. So i'll be a closet yoga practicioner.

Anything else? Everything is so draped in normalcy. But I appreciate not being such a crazy motherfucker lately. I've found myself smiling a lot more. And i'm not such a random grumpy douche to strangers. I just finished the second season of American Horror Story and have moved on to the classic series Twin Peaks

Well that's it for now. Peace & Love


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

From The Vault Vol 1

I had this idea to dig up really old writing and share it. So here is the From The Vault miniseries.

 Social commentary is found best with hushed whispers.
Hiding in the dark from an invading force.
Dodging light wearing our best disguises.
Drinks getting poured and her confidence rises.
She wants her man and tonight she's dressed to kill.
Or at least give him a thrill.
Got my heartbeat going so fast.
You make me want club life again.
That bottle poppin culture.
Hot tubs filled with freedom.
Bubbly arguments aint possible.
But it all gets boring after time.
I start thinking do I want this all my life?
Cause I don't know about you..
But my days are long and i'm always looking to the future.
I just want to be set.
And fuck the struggle.

I feel I gotta give a big shout out the veterans.
But where are my bullets at?
How am I supposed to become a man?
MTV aint making me appreciate life.
I feel disconnected.
But sometimes those sweet things in life make up for it all.
I feel fucking preachy saying something like that.
Hate that self concious thought that's always there.
But life can be good.
I can't be the only one who likes fresh air and a cute girl at the bus stop.
She's a warm soul amongst the cold and wicked.
Seductive grays and a consumer mentality.
Plastic bags and non bio-degradable materials littering the floor.
Laminated newspapers.
Insane shit.
I got this and that.
Petty highs and ipod fantasies.

Daylight savings time..
I don't even mind the snow.
It's more of the feeling of being cooped up all the time.
I'm partial to the night time stroll.
Kicking stones and working it all out.
Children around me stomping puddles and cheering.
I want to join the celebration and lose myself awhile.
I'll keep the voices in my head out of it all, though
I'd like to stay out of the loony bin.
But I can't help but wonder who the real crazy people are


I\m laughing a bit because I definitely remember this time of my life. THIS is when I really appreciated coming up with what (I thought) were massively creative lines. Such as: "Bubbly arguments aint possible" or "Petty highs and ipod fantasies". Looking back, some of the lines still hold, but others rather startle me in how CORNY they are. I mean : "You make me want club life again.That bottle poppin culture"

Club life?
Bottle poppin culture?
Laughing over here.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Strange World, Strange World

Such a strange strange world.

Used to look out the back window at love.
Hands pressed up against the glass
Young eyes never realized the travesty of it all
I could lose myself in the habit of holding onto freedom
I write with nostalgic tendencies

I used to run through long fields
Blades of grass towered over me
Small hands can only grasp so much
I would look up at the roots and wonder why
I would dream of bigger things
Trying to get my footing while my toes dangled off the edge
Riding an ant.
Just that, riding an ant.

Carelessness causing catastrophic collisons
As a youth it was light the pipe and fuck my mother
As a man it's fight the pipe and love my mother
A face once hidden by shadows now illuminates itself
And I see the lines
I see the passage of time in his face
And I struggle between past hate and growing old
Trying to let go of those feelings like a weight
On my shoulders cause at least now he's showing up
And at least now we've got time to kill waiting for the bill

Strange world, strange world
Left wondering why I exposed myself in such a way
Similar to her and those bright lights
A dream left somewhere pushed far back into the mind
A hungry blank stare and it aint fair
Society says be a winner
Get thinner
Get good grades
Puke up your chicken dinner
Eyes craving just more
more more more

Lets go back to the corner store
Where I braved a kiss and the whole world was at our fingertips
Small hands can only grasp so much
You were my girlfriend and we were going to have it all
Aint ashamed to say I had dreams of the aisle and moms tears
Papa finally proud and all the clapping and laughter and tight embraces
Friendly faces...

I'm standing in the bookstore line
You're right behind me
With nothing to say
So today I write it out
Strange world, strange world



Sunday, January 5, 2014