Tuesday, January 21, 2014

More Bluntness Less Niceness

It's not often that i'm approached by a female who i'm simply not interested in. In our culture it is rare to have females chase men. Yes it does happen. Yes i'm a feminist ( shut up). But let's get real. Chances are the next girl I meet will require a certain amount of effort on my part. Let's go on a date or something? You know what I mean.

But every so often I do find myself in a position where i'm not interested in an advancing female or i've gone on a few dates with a female and have realized "this isn't going to work". And in all these occasions I've handled the situation fucking horribly. I'll simply clam up and not explain myself. Or i'll find myself sleeping with someone even though I shouldn't (woops). Besides thinking with my dick and not speaking my mind..I was obsessed with being nice about it. You know, that candy coated denial we all wish we could give out when things aren't going to happen.

It's not you..,but you're still special!

I've been on the receiving end of the "it's not going to work" and i've dealt it out. I've handled my own situations horribly. Others have dealt with it quite nicely in regards to letting me know. So here's my point. We should all stop trying to be so fucking nice and just be blunt. Rip the band-aid right off. I say this for a few reasons:

1) By being "nice" you're actually being a shitty person.
2) By being "nice" you're actually only looking out for your own ass
3) By being "nice" you're acting cowardly

I find life to be an interesting thing because it can teach you lessons. One of the biggest things we need to learn is how things feel. Remember that cold icy denial you received from that crush you now want to find and kill? Well, put yourselves into the other persons shoes for a moment.

This brings me to a HUGE pet peeve of mine. Whenever I hear females complaining about creepy guys or guys that just "won't leave them alone". And I'll always ask "well, have you told them to leave you alone?" And more than likely the answer will be "no". Some horses need to be led to the water and then have their faces shoved into it. Yes some of my fellow males have the brains of horses. Similar to a dog humping your leg you just have to kick them away and hope they learn for the next time.

I remember this girl on facebook was like "I don't get why people see eachother..like what's the point?" And I was scratching my eyes out like THE POINT IS TO SEE IF THEY ARE COMPATIBLE

Cause it makes a lot of sense to jump into long term commitments before you actually know someone..right.

So if you've made it to this point. My advice is be blunt..not nice. And I encourage casual dating as a precursor to long term relationships


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