Thursday, January 16, 2014

January Update

Well it's been awhile since I've posted an update on my life and how things are going. I'm in the middle of one of the more brutal winnipeg winters in memory. The temperatures have been insanely freezing. And we even made headlines all around the world as being colder than mars.

That being said, the cold really hasn't bothered me all that much. The only thing is it can suck being single at this time of year. I could use someone to watch all these movies and shows with. Blah blah blah. Not trying to be a whiney bitch though. Patience is a virtue when it comes to those kinds of things.

I'm sitting here with really not all that much to say. It's been cold. I'm looking forward to summer. Classes have begun as usual. I've already slept through a couple. I keep telling myself patience patience patience. Nothing seems to happen in the winter. So I tell myself that the incoming spring will bring some change and renew life in me. You know, the melting of the snow and the rising of the flowers. I suppose i'll try to change mentally and physically along with nature.

I grabbed a yoga mat while I was visiting my mother over the holidays. I set it up in my living room so now i've been doing stretches and pushups..crunches..that kind of thing. No real yoga yet. I suppose soon i'll drag the mat in front of the tv and download some beginner yoga off the internet. No way am I going to a yoga way..not yet at least. I need to at least be able to touch my toes from a sitting position. So i'll be a closet yoga practicioner.

Anything else? Everything is so draped in normalcy. But I appreciate not being such a crazy motherfucker lately. I've found myself smiling a lot more. And i'm not such a random grumpy douche to strangers. I just finished the second season of American Horror Story and have moved on to the classic series Twin Peaks

Well that's it for now. Peace & Love


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