Thursday, May 20, 2021

Sunday Service

As a kid we'd go to the library every second Sunday
Driving past the churches
I'd ask my father what's up with all the well dressed people?
Never mind that son, he said.
Later I sat in my room with 7 books surrounding me
The only service I ever needed
We aren't that different though
We both found salvation in fiction
No judgement either
These hands hold pens
Not gavels


Monday, January 18, 2021

Food Desert


I stumble towards the bright neon lights

They cast a warm addictive glow over this food desert

I’ll take a micky d’s triple cheese

With a side of corporate sleaze

Whoa! Now that’s a real combination

A result of the combo-nation

5.99 to dine on swine

No heaven behind golden arches

The true wealth is health

The real revolution in the libraries

My pops would drive by the churches

To make me a product of intelligent design

Inspiration from the non-fiction to the fairies

It was there a young version of myself found strength

Recovering from trauma while missing my momma

Fuck punctuation, or where to put a comma,

There’s no pressure to show up

Just show the glow when you can
