Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Beginning Of Another School Year

First off I'd like to thank all the readers. I know I haven't posted much in the past two weeks. I realize the blog game is a tough one. Most of you want daily entries that are insightful/interesting. I just can't deliver that. I'm either too busy or i'm just not in the mood. My schedule has calmed down a bit. But it will get more chaotic in october. We'll see how the blog goes around that time. I'm for sure keeping up with my audio blog series which will be posted on this site. I'm purchasing a microphone to increase the sound quality. It was brought to my attention that the sound quality is basically shit. So i'm going to invest a few dollars in making it sound better. I enjoy doing those audio recordings.

Over 5'000 views now and growing. 5k was a benchmark for me. 10k will be my next. And so on and so forth. I have a work desk now. It's my little baby. Just have to get a better chair than this old creaky piece of shit. But it's nice to have a place to write papers and blogs.

Got my candles lit. The fall air is so fucking refreshing. It's nice to justify lighting candles.

I'm the happiest i've been in awhile. Not sure what it is but september feels like a new year. I think it's the combination of school starting and less work. Less work and more brain food.

But let's get into what made this blog so popular to begin with. Talking about random shit.

The push to succeed is a phenomenon that all young adults feel. There's this attitude that people have when you're at this age. What are you doing? Where are you going? Some are genuinely concerned you'll never leave the house (parents/guardians). Others, however, don't even know you and will ask where you're headed. It's the current of life. A fast flowing river that can leave you behind. At least that's what the capitlistic philosophy will have you think. The scary thing is we're all so embedded in capitalism that our morals and philosophies are shaped by it. I remember a conversation I had with my sister a few years back. She said she wouldn't be intrested in getting to know someone who didn't have "their life together" or lacked a "general direction". Hmm, based on what terms? The statement bothered me back then and bothers me to this day. What is "success" and how to we define it? The great MC Immortal Technique once said "Success is psychological". I tend to agree. It's dangerous to set prerequisites to happiness. If someone doesn't have x amount in their bank account they are not allowed to be happy? Capitalism feeds off the uncomfortable. I need this. I need that. I need to succeed. And my success shall be defined by the money and what I spend that money on. It seems materialistic and petty because it is.  But even as a "successful" person you will face pressures from society. Don't have a partner at 35? People will question you. Why don't you have a baby by now? Where's the wife? If you live outside the societal expectations you will feel pressure. Don't have a drivers license? Why not? Go get that. I get that one a lot. Even with my apartment. Oh you live in a bachelor? I couldn't do I'd need a one bedroom at least. It's all around me. Of course the uncomfortable feeling can be a postive one. But let that be you're own passions and inspirations. Don't allow people to define your life. I know it's cliche to say. But fuck it, follow that heart when it comes to life. You only get one run at this. Don't allow yourself to feel pressured as a young adult. But keep things in perspective. Even the richest man in the world has something to complain about.


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