Friday, September 6, 2013

Quick Actions With Little Thought

We've all been there. Harsh words and actions we regret later.

I've certainly been one to "shoot first ask questions later"

Call me a victim of my heart.

And I'm wondering if this will be a common theme throughout my life. I see plenty adults victimized by their own emotions. "Adult" figures turn into children as they scream and rage with little thought. Afterwards, i'm positive they look back on their past actions and wonder " what the fuck was I thinking?"

I'm learning..slowly..but learning that burning bridges is not in my best interest. In my fierce pursuit to become a better person I must not lose my empathy. Oh the humanity! That blurred line between kindness and weakness.

Choose your battles wisely my friends. But we will most certainly perform regrettable actions in the near future. 

Not exactly sure why I chose to even write this. I'm sure a lot of you are like duhh..this guy thinks he's teaching us something?

I suppose the reason I approached this subject is because i've definitely acted in haste. Specifically while drunk and passionate. And later on i've sort of been like.."that wasn't necessary". I find myself walking around hoping I don't run into person a or person b. Simply because i've burned a bridge.

BUTTTTT we're supposed to fight battles in life. We must maintain a certain amount of self-respect. And I feel like a total broken record here. So if you have some enemies or some cold encounters in life it could simply be a result of you maintaining your morals and standing your ground.

But i've definitely fought the wrong battles alongside with the right battles.

Such is life I guess


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