Saturday, August 17, 2013

Some Stuff From The Notebook

All I have in the way of writing is a bunch of unorganized ideas and unfinished poems. The cool thing about this stuff is how they all seem to develop into complete thoughts.

I sit in a dark room.
Too scared to crawl to the light.
Too sick of the games.
Too sick of the endless fights.
I know i'm gripping fate with a phone in my hand.
You're on the same line but so far away making a cruel demand.
Asking me to seperate from old friends and dry land.
Urging me into the open waters...
The rough waves of trust.
Cause girl we done gone down that road.
We've rushed and hoped and hit the ground hard.

Ohh we rushed and hoped and hit the ground hard.
And I can't be your hero.
No can't be your hero no more.

Just playing with thought.
I sit with my pen hovering above the page.
And I reach deep for something.
A feeling that'll drive this pen.
Something to contain the rage
when it comes to love..
i would hope that things don't end when push comes to shove
maybe realizing petty things we're above
and i'm down with love
ohhh so down with love
but we rushed, hoped, and hit the ground hard.
and i can't be your hero
ohh no can't be your hero no more

just cause I filled the bed doesn't mean I filled the heart
and I just want a clean slate with all this
a fresh start

Actions fucking wild.
Where's the booze
The pills?
I want skin on skin
Sin filled thrills

Calm down devon.
Your time will come.
Cats on the run.
Knife in hand you'll have some blood soaked fun.
So calm down homie
Your time will come.

My time will come
All over the shortys chest
Then I ask the rest who's best
Nobody steppin to the plate to contest
I'd say humble as can be
In a game that wanna see me cold and dead on the street
That why I lace my sneakers tight on my feet
Cause at time's it's fight or flight
And i'm not bout laying in a casket tonight
To blast a gun or pull a knife it's your life not my call but i'm bout rhymes not crimes
So let it be known i'm grown.
I said let it be known i'm grown.

power and money but you're mortal
can't stop the ticking of time
losing your mind
cause of that missed kiss
and that missed chance
to just see her face
i'm just a hopeless member of the human race

and yeah i made mistakes
at the time didn't acknowledge such high stakes
but please take something into account before you choose
you'd go crazy to if you were in my shoes

watched my little brother turn from a boy to a man
and sometimes I feel I could learn from him
but the bottom line is we got eachother
and no line I could spit realer than that bond
so speechless it;s funny how we treat this like it's so void of meaning

don't know much about the beauty across the way
except she makes that dude stand outside while he smokes
he cups his hands and stomps the snow off his feet
i'm too

As you can see, very unorganized. But that's the process. A thought will hit my head. And most of the time it's simply a line. Or a scene..yeah..a visual image that inspires me. It can be anything really. That's why having a notebook around you at all time's is a good idea. Because I can't imagine the good lines or ideas that have come and left without being written down.

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