Friday, August 23, 2013

Dead Dogs And Lying

A friend of mine lost his dog the other day. Just an unfortunate accident. Dog chases rabbit onto can fill in the rest.

It had me thinking of Jasper. Jasper was some kind of german shepard mix..a mutt for lack of a better term. We found out quickly that he had some issues. This became quite clear one winter morning when we were all getting ready to leave for school. Jasper was acting strange. He was foaming at the mouth and running into walls. We learned later that he was epileptic. And apparently from the research I did recently you can get medication to control the seizures.

A sad state of day we made a gruesome discovery upon returning home. Jasper had died while we were gone. We could hardly even open the front door because his large corpse was blocking the way. He had completely emptied his bladder before his death. So you can imagine the smell and sight being quite traumatizing. I never did though, my dad had me go away for awhile. He lugged jasper into the car and sped off to the vet. But the poor guy was already long gone. It's strange how memories resurface and have a different effect. It shows i've changed over the years. I'm now wondering if I would be a different person had I laid eyes on the dead dog.

Jeeez,  4 am has a way of creeping up on you. I've been trying to take advantage of my insomnia by creating through writing. But these thoughts seem dark.

It was good to see my friend. We've been friends since pre-school and life has a way of pulling people apart. But we've maintained a good connection throughout the years. Lately we seem to book dates just to sit down with a couple beers and catch up on things. He's going through some stuff and I wish him the best. But I can see some difficult times ahead of him if he does not own up to some stuff. He just needs to stop lying.

Lying is always that quick solution to a problem. It's a small patch-job that will eventually break and create a must worse situation. You can insert your corny metaphorical description of lying here. I used to lie as a child. Enough so that it became a problem and my trust-worthiness was always questioned by my father. This extends in small ways even to this day. Although I feel i've made strides with my father. Nowadays if I tell a lie it's very minor ( white lie). But every so often a "big" lie does get told on my part. I can think of a couple off the top of my head. However, those lies didn't hurt anyone-only me. I simply carry the guilt of the lie.

Yup, pretty happy to say i'm pretty lie free. Buut you know, there's always those little lies we've told that somehow still exist to this day.

Deceit seems to be a slightly different thing than lying in that it doesn't require an actual lie. Such as when you convey a false feeling through action. Or omitting certain information. And of course there's different levels of lying and deceit. Some people lie to protect their ass in an awkward situation. Others lie to hurt.

I am curious as to how my readers feel about lying. Because I strive to be as honest as possible.

All this humble honest mumbo jumbo seems a little ineffective in a cut-throat world. Where deceit is a widely used tool as people clamour to attain their "dreams".

Fight the good fight family..


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