Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Jan 22/2013-Negative attitudes towards ex-addicts

Addicts face many uphill struggles in order to become sober. But they also face struggles regarding their social well-being. Often ex-addicts must shed their old life like a skin and re-invent themselves. This often involves a complete switch of friends. A movement away from a social circle that promotes and supports drinking and the usage of drugs. Because unlike ordinary people, an addict cannot control themselves with these substances. So a sober group of friends is the best bet for an addict to remain sober.

I have friends that have dealt with addiction in various forms. Some are still quite addicted to substances and show no signs of slowing down. Some have hit rock bottom already and have begun the recovery process. Especially regarding a couple friends that have begun to recover, I am 100% supportive. Unfortunately I do not see this attitude adopted by some of my peers.

You see, while an addicted person is in the "thick of things". Meaning when they are fully addicted to a substance and are in a dark period of their lives. They are not accurately representing themselves. What you saw at the party last friday was not actually "john". Sure you may have seen john in a physical form..but mentally you are not dealing with the true character of john. You were witnessing john at his worst..in the throes of his addiction.

This notion seems lost on some people. Especially when an addicted person drops from the social scene in order to become sober and re-establish themselves. People tend to stick to their negative images regarding the addicted person. Well i'm here to say go fuck yourself. Your crappy attitude towards someone else's well-being is more telling about yourself than the individual you are shitting on. Sure john may have puked and pissed all over himself. Maybe he did it all over your *gasp* moms brand new suede carpet! But john had a problem. And hanging around you wasn't helping.

I write this because i think it's such a shame that addicts have to deal with this whole notion of re-convincing people they are a decent person. Like they don't have to deal with enough shit right? I would say to these people don't worry about them. People like me support you through thick and thin. And that's what real friendship is all about. And i'll stay home from the bar and chill with you in a sober atmosphere if thats what you want.

I feel like pulling a rick james on some of these people. Fuck your couch!!!

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