Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sex Tips

Sex Tips From Devon.

This is a little write up I did on sex tips. It's directed towards men obviously. Since I don't have the experience of being a woman. Shucks.

1)Less is more. Especially in regard to kissing. A slight brush of the lips is often just as erotic as two tongues wrestling. Not that french kissing isn't sexy. I'm
not saying that exactly. What I mean is that casual kissing should be slow and sensual.Bite her lips a bit. Move down to her neck and chest and move back. Make it slow
and have her come to you. I've had bad kissers in my life. They all thought they were great. I'm just saying..shoving your tongue down someone's throat is not attractive.
There is such thing as a messy kiss and it has turned me off. Unless you've both had 15 shots and are back home from a night of which case all rules are
out the window.

The same thing goes for foreplay. A lot of guys kiss for a bit and then it's right off with the underwear and look at me i'm trying to shove my dick into your hardly
prepared vagina. I recommend spending some time turning the girl on. Which leads me to my next point.

2) Learn how girls want their boobs to be treated. I think i saw something on That 70's Show were donna relates foreplay with eric to "tuning a radio". This is not the
reaction you want. Remember my advice on kissing? It works here also. Use that tongue of yours to play with her nipples a bit. Don't suck on them like you are a newborn
and need milk. It's about the sensuality. I find that once nipples get hard they are more sensitive near the tip. So really it's just about grazing the sensitive tips.
I like to do some biting (hehe) but be careful not to bite too hard (i've done that).

Foreplay is so crucial and important. It's such an overlooked part of sex. But I fucking loove foreplay. Especially with a new girl it's nice to explore her body
and see what gets her going.

3)The underwear doesn't have to come off juust yet. I prefer the slow stripping of clothes off a girl. The problem here is finding a girl that is confident in her own skin.
I'm not all about sex in the dark and under covers. I understand if a girl wants it that way the first time. But it's weird and shows you are insecure. So yeah girls if you are
reading this keep in mind the guy is probably equally self concious about his body. The male body doesn't generally look all that amazing. Unless you are some kind of model.
Or you hit the gym all the time. Most dudes are just regular joes. Lucky me I still have my metabolism. Another thing to consider ladies is that the guy wouldn't be hooking
up with you if he didn't find you attractive. He's probably silently congratulating himself at that very moment.

Someone asked me the other day if I'd still hook up with a girl if she was unshaven. My answer was yes. Even if a girl let herself completely go I would still wrap up that session.
But I do find shaven girls more sexy. I'm not sure why. Society perhaps? I also like to go down on girls so being clean and shaven is a plus for that. Besides..I keep my junk trimmed
and I would hate for a girl to be picking hair out of her mouth after oral. So my standard is based off my own. If I can spend the time to keep it clean down there then
I'll seek out someone else who can also. To each their own.

I've gotten a bit off topic so I'll get back to the point.

4)Be gentle at first. No the vagina is not a target for your dick to be a battering ram. Go slow at first and use those hips well. I can't dance for shit. But I can slowly
rotate my hips back and forth. I think we (men) are born with the ability to move our hips back and forth. Slow it down.

5) Once things get going, keep in mind her pleasure. As a man you are gifted with the ability to usually always cum. The girl, however, is not so easily brought to that state.
Listen to her reactions. If she says keep that spot lol. You can usually tell by her body language the effect you are having.

6)She has a clitoris? A what? A clitoris. You see, I don't want to go on this whole thing about this. But regular intercourse does not commonly make a woman reach orgasm.
But something that will greatly encourage that is direct stimulaton of the clitoris. If you're dating a girl or regularly hooking up with a girl. Talk to them about their pleasure.
Oral sex doesn't come naturally. Ask her what feels good and what doesn't. Throw away your pride if you suck at oral. Wait..suck at oral..thats funny. But anyways.
It's a learning experience.

Well that about sums up my basic advice. There's a whole lot more though. I'll post later.

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