Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Unfriend Dilemma

Recently an old friend of mine deleted me off facebook.

And in my head i'm going "I shouldn't care, I shouldn't care, I shouldn't care!"

Becaus that's what we are told, right? That we shouldn't care about social media despite using it so much. We shouldn't care about opinions, politics, and emotions on social media. However, in my opinion this comprises social media and what makes it so addictive.

It's hard to be involved and yet..seperated. And the digital snub known as the "unfriend" speaks towards a larger issue. Well, you've drifted from this person. But why then do they still have 50 of my mutual friends who were less familiar with them?

Now here's a moment of insecurity on my part. I'm on the net a lot. And i'm speaking my mind a lot. I share lots of what some could say controversial material. There's no filter there, as my mom loves to remind me.

So sometimes I feel that I offend people. And as tragic as this may has quieted me down. For better or for worse I don't act the same way I used to.

What do we do with the unfriend? I'm abhorred by the idea of confronting them. I feel like it's a situation where you have to open ones eyes and see the reality.

It's time to move on.

And I know it's just a stupid site and it's social media AND I SHOULDN'T CARE...but I do. And it sucks.

Ever find yourself wishing people the best. As they leave you alone in the room?



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