Monday, April 28, 2014

The Inevitability of Life

No matter what, we will experience things.

And yes, this is a rather obvious statement. But for example, lately my life has been pretty absent of major life events/changes. I take it for granted, but also crave change. But when the time does come ( and it will) will I be so happy to accept it?

And what about those bad life events. The inevitable break up (stats show the majority of us won't be together until the end) or the loss of friends by way of life and death? The death of family members? MY death?

It is all so inevitable.

A co-worker of mine had his last shift at the restaurant today. He had been with the company for 6 years. And I mean, for the restaurant industry, that's a pretty long time. It sure feels like a long time to me when I think about the fact that six years ago I had just graduated high school. And i've never been with a job for more than 3 years ( good old mcdonalds). He seemed sad. And I mean rightfully so. We attach ourselves to places and people. And the inevitability of life shows that soon we will have to say goodbye.

"That's life, you know?, sometimes you have to move on"  I said

And for a moment I just sat there. And I thought about how i'm some ape hurtling through space on some giant land mass. I just felt..helpless. Helpless towards life because LIFE HAPPENS and it happens in a certain direction which is filled with love and happiness but also filled with death and heartbreak.

And you must move on from all this in order to grow. But the point of it all..well I can't be so sure. There are many religions that could fill that void. But I prefer to remain a humble ape.

A humble ape just fucking and crying and hugging and just moving through this inevitable life.


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