Saturday, November 1, 2014

Enabling Negativity

A co-worker the other was commenting on negative people and the bad karma they tend to bring about themselves. It prompted a blog post.

In my view bad karma is something that is built over time. People exist within this negative bubble that tends to spread over time. Good people are thrown aside or have walked away on their own accord. And negative people join this bubble to create a larger negative envrironment. And negative people build an environment that suits them. In the same way that postive people tend to magnetize positive people and positive experiences, negative people do the same.

All of this couldn't be possible without enablers. Because negative environments are largely volatile and unhealthy. Often you will hear negative people complaining and showing at least a desire for change. But it never seems to go anywhere. Enablers act as people that enable negative behaviour due to bonds such as friendship or family. Sometimes tough love is needed. But those who wallow in self pity and constantly play the blame game tend not to receive "tough love". They could very well have those around them that love them quite a bit. But people need to be told they are being fucking idiots.

And to further complicate this problem..people get harder to change the older they get. Tough love is a good early prevention strategy. It is a support system that can create self-responsibility and a humble ego. But as people age they don't receive tough love as easily. Rather, "tough love" becomes "haters" and "jealous people" who often have well meaning criticism.

Karma: The snowball effect. Built over time with the larger snowball being rolled by multiple people called enablers.

Just some thoughts.


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