Saturday, July 12, 2014


Just some freeverse I did last night. Love this style of writing despite it's lack of an overall direction. It is amazing to see where the mind goes.

mama don't like the big dreams
too complicated with hero fantasies and poetic verse
the plan is success before the hearse
but let me be clear i'll never accept life as a curse
never sweating over small things like cash or sleek clothes
he was a prophet, offered riches, and rose
above it all
tell my child to stand tall
is faith strengthened by a gold cross?
or does the power lie in the mind
can't answer
there are things in life that will not be defined
and there are things unwritten
no matter
thoughts will turn into action, with time.
so my dreams stay just out of reach
but still yet, they are there to teach
this is what I want
this is what you want
all just success in this mess
and I don't turn on AMC to see the walking dead
one just heads down to the heart of my city
to see the faded heartbeat of those who just couldn't make it
the thing about the grumble of a belly?
you can't fake it.


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