There’s this way you can just lie there
Not saying anything at all
Just two bodies curled together
The warm summer sun filtering through floral curtains
I see the constellation on the wall weaving and curling
Like my fingers along your hand
Palm reading and trying to see the future
Your future, my future, our future?
I’m stuck for the moment
Allowing my mind to drift to take away from my numb arm you’ve commandeered as a pillow
Eventually you will roll away
Pulling the covers over your breasts and thighs
I take the opportunity to head to the bathroom
Finding my underwear on the floor beside my socks
Splashing cold water in my face and staring into the mirror
There are moments when a boy knows he’s become a man
Running my hand through hair that has somehow become darker and stronger
Where’s my hat?
I know my hat is part of my personality
Because I wear it alone
Absently switching it back and forth
Trying to figure out the best sentence
The 21st century brought forth a new age of poets
Gone was the fame and notoriety
Replaced with desperation
Quite passionate though
And perhaps our only salvation
The climate outside has become edgy
Cars flying into groups of people
Limbs and hearts breaking simultaneously
A mother sobs in front of the news team
Of course she loved her son
Do we need such obvious pain affirmed to us?
Yet she deserves to tell her story
I just wonder if we’ll learn from it
You’ve shown up in the mirrors reflection
You must have found your underwear on the floor as well
And my t-shirt that looks so big on you
Finally, my hat
That you place on my head backwards
Wrapping your hands around my bare chest from behind
Not much to be said
The headline stands out on the newspaper perched on top of the toilet
This is the image I’ll leave you with
Two young lovers who may be able to change the world
Belief lies in inspiration
It may just lie in our embraces
We are connected through love, life, and loss
So very human on this beautiful disaster of a planet