Friday, March 28, 2014

Words on Winnipeg

I wrote this introduction for my creative project for english class. I ended up not using it. So here it is! Some words on Winnipeg:

A picture of the city can only tell so many words. A snowy January day in Winnipeg must be FELT. Willing or not, that cold prarie air will enter into every nook and cranny your protective clothing provides. Mother nature will lick you with her tongue. And you’ll shiver with the expectation. There’s still so much more to go.

There is still so much more to go. We all think as we stay bowed and huddled against the attacking environment. Our hot breath and active minds form trails of heat across the frozen landscape. Downtown Winnipeg is crowded by people with lots to say. And together we watch those statements rise into the sky. We watch those statements disappear into a larger cloud that is the voice of the city.

Everyone is trying to be as small and as large as they can be on this day. We rush from warmth to warmth. Scared of what the world could be without an embrace. This winter can be a long time. It can be a long time spent over a cold meal and regrets. So as we rush from place to place, warmth to warmth. We bump shoulders and politely step out of each others way. We stop short on our path to allow others to pass by. There’s only so much room on the sidewalk so we must cooperate and connect.

The cold will push us from behind. Powers at play will attempt to isolate us. But no matter where in the city we are from, whether it is tuxedo or the north end, nobody can escape the ferocity that is mother natures grip on the city.


Thursday, March 20, 2014

"Twirling Records" Excerpt.

Yes, I am still working on a few short stories

 After she had finished dancing she slumped against the wall. Breathing heavy with a flushed face, her eyes wandered around the room. The walls had once been plastered with posters. But recently she had taken them all down. Leaving just the markings of torn tape. In their place she had placed paintings. Artwork she felt represented herself. Her eyes shifted from portrait to portrait. Eventually settling on a setting sun on a harsh landscape. It was home. And her mind trailed from childhood memories to the hours she had spent with him. Her hand idly trailing its way down her neck, through her breasts, and circling her bellybutton.

The room had become hot. A trickle of sweat dove from her forehead onto the hardwood floor. It may have even splashed in an extraordinary way. But her mind had wandered to his strong arms. And how he had left with just a brush of a kiss. Leaving her craving more. Craving the escape of love and color in such a cold dull winter. 


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Empty Pocket

an empty pocket
lump in my throat
brings me back to my old shadows
and they play like a broken record in a smoke filled room
i'm torn between running away from the heat
and choking
to deal with the music

who i am now is well..who i am
who i am now is well..who i once was
and he knocks at the door from time to time
i invite him in
sit him down
and attempt to explain we should probably stop seeing eachother

my mother calls
and I shift and fidget
who am I?
not the weight-lifter
not the insurance guru
not the social worker
not the teacher
in the darkness
sometimes i dream
big things that weigh heavy
and cause quite a stir when they come crashing down in a million pieces
i'm scrambling to collect myself

school journey
i had to borrow a book from the library today
this one was buried amongst the rows
i had trouble finding it
dropped my backpack
shed my jacket
huffed and puffed
crawled on my knees
stood on my tip toes
and with a red face met marvin francis

later in class the tension was high
some will pass some will fail some will die
I'm sweating through the lecture
is it hot in here or what?
blood boils with minimum wage rage
everyone thinks
i'm going to change the world
go somewhere past this small town
travel the world and stop fixing rich people drinks


Saturday, March 15, 2014

Forms of Happiness and Bullying

That kid getting bullied at the arena doesn't shock me. In europe it is way worse, I mean, you step into the wrong bar/club wearing the wrong jersey you could get beat the fuck up pretty quick. But there was something about a kid getting harassed like that and it bugged me quite a bit. And judging from the output of support the kid received afterwards, it pissed a lot of other people off as well.


It got me thinking, why did this whole thing go down?

Well for starters, I think i'm pissed off for a different reason than some. I mean there is the obvious bullying aspect that comes with full grown adults teasing a child. That boggles my mind. You really needed to rag on some kid to make yourself feel better? Pathetic

But also there is this less talked about issue of self-validation. And I find that self-validation permeates our lives in a major way.  A lot of happiness is latched on to these things that aren't "real". I feel happiness should be a feeling we have that is not based on societal trends or material goods. These things aren't "real". They are just objects..there is no emotional output from them. People tend to self-validate themselves by pointing to the material objects around them. I have this and this and that hanging on the wall i'm the happiest person alive. And who the fuck am I to define happiness anyways? But I try my hardest to keep things in perspective and keep those I love close. Because that is my source of happiness.

And I mean fuck I know i'm being such a priviliged person by saying we should cut back. But that really is a whole different story.  What I'm trying to say here is that we should not let our happiness rely on having STUFF, or a hockey team WINNING. We should be able to stand butt naked in a field with just ourselves and be happy.

I do make the case that there are ORGANIC forms of happiness. These organic forms of happiness seem to be stronger and more rooted to the individual. And then there are LESS ORGANIC forms of happiness that seem to revolve around material things..or societal illusions such as a sports team.

Sports teams are certainly illusions. And even I got caught up with the olympic hockey. And i'll admit i'd be dissapointed if they lost ( they didn't).. but even then, doubt i'd call out a little kid over the whole thing.

The way I see these non-organic happiness creators? I don't dismiss them really, I take part in them myself. However, these things can be lost and are not pernament.

Rather, I try to build my life around organic forms of happiness that are more strongly rooted. These forms of happiness are more connected to me as an indivudal and how I feel.

And as usual i'm not here to tell anyone how to feel. But if you find yourself drunk, pissed off, and cat calling a little kid over a sports game then..well maybe you should start seeking alternate forms of happiness.


Thursday, March 6, 2014


I remember when I was younger ( in the teenage years) sex and the bodies of females fascinated me. It was the end all be all. I mean, I wasn't exactly a ladies man at the time. A face full of acne and a lack of style had me single throughout high school. Left to be an observer rather than a partaker.

So, I guess in not having sex or any real relationship at the time I mystified the whole thing. I made sex out to be this amazing thing. I saw it as having no real harm and just being this constant thing I worked towards.

Feminism aside, I still think about sex. I mean, all the gender studies classes in the world can't take away my heterosexual drive. So if I do come across a female I find attractive. I will probably at one point think about how she looks naked. I did it back in high school, I do it to this day. Probably will do it until my sex drive shuts down.

I know that my feminism and this raw desire conflict. And that is sooort of the point of this blog post, but not completely. But it is a phenomenon to educate oneself about the plight of females in every culture. The extreme being females living in the middle east and right to the females I share a classroom with. They have a different world and being in G.S classes allowed me a glimpse into that world. It was extremely enlightening.

However, a big aspect is the male gaze and the objectification of women. These aren't objects, these are people. And they deserve to be judged on qualities that do not pertain to what they've chosen to wear. Or their bodies at all for that matter. In fact, dialogue about bodies at all disturbs me slightly. You know, those graphics that are so popular lately saying things like "Real men like women with curves" or "You don't have to wear make-up to be pretty" and so on and so forth. In the end, it's men telling women how to act/feel/and behave. Even under the veil of positivity it makes me squirm and wonder "why can't we just let what the fuck they want?"

But of course I do look at women sexually. It's part of my nature. The animal in me wants to procreate. This can't be shut off. So I try to keep my thoughts to a socially acceptable level.

This brings me to the main point of this blog. As I said earlier sex used to be this HUGE thing. It was what I always used to think about when meeting new attractive girls. But, now that I've gone through a few relationships my thinking has changed. And it's not really feminism that has done this. It's more of a realization that sex is a big deal to me, and typically also to my partner. And maybe i'm foolishly pursuing it a little too quickly in relationships. And not even in "relationships" but when i'm first meeting a girl/getting to know her.

There's this theory I have. And it's funny that i'm even bringing it up because I have no real solution for it. But I do have the theory that having sex early on when first dating someone adds a level of seriousness and connection that may not be real. Gee, what could I mean by that? Well the physically intimacy of sex gives us this feeling of connection that has no actually been made yet. When you date/see someone it really is a feeling out period (no pun intended) and you either make the choice between dating seriously or moving your separate ways. Well, I feel sex makes this feeling out process harder by putting the relationship to this level that has no actually been achieved.

Now, in my usually annoying fashion, I'm going to say this is pretty much unavoidable. I mean, you could hypothetically hold off on sex until you feel a "real" connection. But let's get real here. At some point you're going to be drinking wine on a couch with dim lighting and well..things go faster than expected when you're horny as shit with someone you find very attractive. To deny these physical urges in the hope that you may form a more solid relationship is (to me) just as much as a gamble as having sex early and seeing where it goes. Perhaps though the only difference between holding off and diving in is the fall out. Things my hurt less when you go your separate ways if you aren't sexually active. Hm, but then you didn't get laid.

I digress, what I'm trying to say is that I find myself realizing that sex is serious stuff. And I make choices nowadays that would seem silly in my late teens. I have to ask myself "do I want to pursue this person?" because if I know that I want to have sex with with..but not seriously date them. Then I feel the responsibility to hold off from doing that. I don't necessarily owe this to anyone. But once you've been down the dating/relationship road a few times you tend to feel a connection with others.

The connection being "damn, you and I both know that this can hurt"

And it can hurt but can also be this amazing thing. And ahh..maybe we should slow things down not too much but just a little.


Saturday, March 1, 2014

I Used To Ojectify

What is love nowadays if not foolish attachment.
No time for passion of the production line.
And no time for quick decisions that do not fit into a larger design.
I used to look at breasts and buttocks and objectify.
But now I see a black eye and wonder why love has to hurt.
But never that much right? I mean why why why?
I know that love hurts so I remove your clothes slowly and look you in the eye
I do it for you but I do it for myself
I used to look at bodies and objectify
But now I watch the t.v and realize sex and love mean more to me.

And it scares me.
