sometimes the world just pulls two people together....
like that brown haired dark eyed girl i met that night in the field
just me and her and a bunch of people but she had my heart that night i don't know how...
but i remember that night like it was yesterday the smell of the cold night air, the pine fall smell that flew from nostril to nostril
settling in the brain causing this indescribable feeling of being human, being an animal that smells and feels like every other animal
if i could id go back, take my shoes off and feel the grass between my toes because then i would have that feeling for myself
and i could add it to my memory of that night
but you were the best part, meeting you in the dark, i could barely even see you, which causes me to believe that love really is blind
more of a spirit maybe, that settles in you, and can warm you to the bone..or leave you freezing and crying
but love has its good sides and bad sides which is really just life in general, the ups and downs and everything in between
the key i guess is to find someone who loves you back, because then you have essentially created magic, something that although we have tried...
we could never explain love really
love is definitely unexplainable, but i think we love more than we let on. if we took certain people out of our lives, maybe trees and flowers to we would feel empty
because we do love our friends, the trees and flowers. however love between two people is pretty powerful
more than the feeling we get looking at trees and flowers, which if you are a nature lover like me can cause high euphoria
all i know is i spent many nights in that field, but the only one that stands out in my memory in such a lucid way was the night i met her
and she might read this one day and say " oh that is nice of Devon, he always liked to write things down" and she will move on with her life
and that night in the field will become a blur along with many high school memories
but i will always remember her, and that night
if threes anything in this world we have to ourselves, and don't have to share..its our memories